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Whether you have specific problem in mind or you desire a deeper
understanding of your life experience, you have within yourself the potential for healing and growth. I am committed in seeing you find relief from your personal or relational difficulties, or any concerns you may be having related to sexuality.
My aim is to help you feel more settled within yourself, to develop more fulfilling and satisfying relationships, and to create purpose and meaning in your life. Through our time together, it's my sincere hope you will begin to experience the happiness and satisfaction that you are searching for in your life.
If you would like to explore the possibility of our working together, an initial phone conversation is a great way to start. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your concerns or to schedule a free introductory consultation appointment.

How I Can Help
Through our work I can help you:
Address feelings of anxiety, depression, and emotional distress
Learn to let go of hurt, anger, guilt, or shame
Attend to past traumas, abuse, or family disruptions
Gain greater self-awareness and understanding
Improve your personal relationships
Increase your self-esteem, -confidence, and -compassion
Eliminate self-defeating and self-destructive behaviors
Restore purpose and meaning to your life